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What is IRATA?

IRATA  is a non-profit   association which has created a Quality/Safety management system whose objective is the continuous improvement of activities related to rope access technicians and work on ropes whose validity is recognized in France and internationally.

Why be an IRATA certified rope access technician?

IRATA International ensures a system of safe working procedures and encourages career advancement for rope access technicians. Every three years, each technician must re-certify to demonstrate that they retain the skills necessary to work safely.

Technicians can also progress through three levels depending on their time, experience and training:   each level requiring greater knowledge of the rope access skills  required on a building site.

IRATA rope access qualifications are based on the Training, Assessment and Certification Program document, following the levels defined and maintained by IRATA International. (TACS)

These qualifications depend on a combination of technical skills, theoretical knowledge and experience gained in the workplace. As such, they define prescribed skill levels for rope access technicians to achieve.

IRATA certified rope access certifications are recognized worldwide. They constitute “the” highest reference qualification for rope access work.

Is my IRATA training valid in France?

According to decree 2004-924 dated September 1, 2004 and relating to the use of

work for temporary work at height, workers must receive training

adequate and specific to the operations envisaged and to the rescue procedures. (skills training)

This training is renewed as often as necessary and at the employer's discretion.

By passing your IRATA rope access certification (diploma training), you go beyond

the prerequisites of the French regulations on rope access work.

Refreshing your IRATA training every three years allows employers to ensure

your aptitude and maintenance of your rope access skills.

French companies recognize and employ IRATA rope access technicians in the same way

than the other French diplomas.

Opposite is the chronology of rope access certifications in France (Source OPPBTP)

Who can sign my IRATA Log Book?

1. Entries in the work log (Log Book) must be countersigned by the level 3 rope access technician in charge of supervision. Under the heading "Signature of supervisor", all entries in the Log Book must be countersigned by the level 3 rope access technician in charge of supervision, who must affix his name (clearly legible), his signature and his unique IRATA International number .

2. Technicians who are not always able to obtain the signature of an IRATA level 3 technician must have their hours signed by a responsible person (site manager, team leader, works manager, etc.) who can verify that the time count is accurate and that the hours worked were performed on a double-string system attached. (user company, temporary work companies) 

Can an IRATA Level 1 or 2 rope access technician work without the supervision of a Level 3 technician?

Rope access technicians must work in teams of two, at a minimum. Preferably, one of the two technicians should be an IRATA level 3 supervisor (or a rope access technician with more professional experience). Solitary work is not permitted.

Only IRATA level 3 rope access technicians are authorized to become safety managers for rope access work sites.

Safety officials working on ropes 

  1. must have leadership skills;

  2. must master the rope access techniques adapted to each site and understand the limits of certain techniques;

  3. are responsible for hazard identification and risk assessment for rope access tasks;

  4. must master the rescue/recovery techniques of colleagues adapted to each site, and be able to organize and implement a rescue/recovery plan for a colleague adapted to the site on which they work.

What are the requirements to access IRATA rope access training?

Candidates must be of legal age at the start of the training.

They must be in good shape and not suffer from any handicap or pathology that could prevent them from working safely. Candidates must ensure that they are in satisfactory physical condition, that they are physically able to perform the tasks expected of them in terms of strength, agility and coordination, and that they are able to withstand the stresses of the working environment, such as heat, cold and other bad weather.

Candidates are required to produce a medical certificate certifying that they do not suffer from any known medical disability or contraindication which could prevent them from carrying out their work in complete safety.

If a candidate has a contraindication, he must obtain a medical certificate before starting rope access training activities.

Applicants should carefully consider their experience before attempting to upgrade. Those who do not have the appropriate skills, have not received appropriate training prior to the assessment, and are unfamiliar with the program are unlikely to meet the requirements.

I hold a CQP Cordiste / CATSC, can I benefit from an IRATA equivalence?

To date, there is no equivalence for rope access technicians holding a French diploma with IRATA rope access certification.

What happens if I don't work on ropes for 6 months?

If rope access technicians do not regularly use rope access techniques, their skills should be assessed before performing operational tasks.

Refresher training in particular techniques may be required and the level of operational supervision required may be adjusted based on the outcome of the risk assessment.

If rope access technicians do not use the techniques for more than six months, they must follow an IRATA rope access refresher course. Training should be tailored to each person and recorded in their work log.

Refresher training:

  1. must be provided by an IRATA certified Level 3 rope access technician,

  2. must not be dispensed during operational tasks (construction site)

  3. may require full IRATA rope access training.

I have lost my Log Book, what happens to the accounting of my hours?

If an IRATA rope access technician loses their work log, they should replace it immediately and, where possible, obtain credible references to verify the hours that have been lost with the log. Hours that cannot be verified cannot be considered for assessment to move up.

I failed my Assessment, how long do I have to retake it?

The re-assessment must take place within 60 days of the first assessment, after which the candidate must undergo full IRATA training again.

How many days after training does an IRATA rope access technician have to pass his assessment?

A maximum period of 60 days is authorized between the end of a training course and an evaluation. A document justifying the follow-up of the training must be presented to the training member company before the evaluation.

I lost my official IRATA documents, how do I get them back?

To order your new IRATA documents, go to the Technicians section

How to count exactly one year of experience between two levels?

A rope access technician has the right to move to a higher level on the calendar date (one year and one day) from the date of his previous evaluation. For example, following a level 1 assessment on October 1, 2019, the technician can take the level 2 assessment no earlier than October 2, 2020. A rope access technician is also required to have at least1000 hourslisted on his work log at his current level before being upgraded. The daily hours (on ropes) cannot exceed 6 hours/day.

You have not found the answer to your question about rope access training and the IRATA quality/safety system?

The HTC Techniques Verticales team is at your disposal on and

formation irata niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3 france, toulouse, bordeeaux, nantes marseille, vitrolles, paris, lille, six fours atis formacan htc belgique

Work at height training
Regulation of work at height 
Wearing a harness and safety PPE
Movements on lifeline
Installation and verification of lifeline
Work at height on roofs, terraces
Work at height on telecom / GSM pylon
Vertical and horizontal lifeline installation 
Rescue and evacuation at height on pylon
Work at height on wooden and concrete poles
Work at height shoring tower 
Work at height on engineering structures
Working at height on a water tower 
Evacuation and rescue baskets
Installation of temporary lifeline 
Work at height supervision

Rope access courses IRATA  (Diploma)
IRATA Level 1 rope access training
Rope access training IRATA Level 1 Retraining
IRATA Level 2 rope access training
Rope access training IRATA Level 2 Retraining
IRATA Level 3 rope access training
Rope access training IRATA Level 3 Retraining

formation irata qualité 6 jours niveau 1, niveau 2 niveau 3 france six fours vitrolles paris lille nantes marseille toulouse

GWO wind training (Initial and Refresher)
GWO First Aid Training
GWO training Manual handling
GWO Fire Safety Training (Fire Awareness)
GWO Sea Survival Training
GWO Work at Height Training
GWO Initial Training and Retraining (Refresher)

Rope Access Training (Qualifying)
Rope access initiation
Rope access improvement
Rope rescue (cordist)
Rope access training 
Control of anchors and lifelines
Installation of anchors and temporary lifelines
Installation of anti-fall safety nets
Rope work Supervision
Traveling on ropes in a maritime environment
Work at height on embankments and steep slopes 


Confined Spaces Training 
Introduction to movement in a confined environment
Confined space difficult to access
Working at height in confined spaces 
Movements in silos and tanks
Rescue in a confined environment 
Port and use of the ARI 

PPE Control Training falls from height
PPE checker for falls from height
Marking, storage and maintenance of PPE falling from a height
Knowing how to buy PPE for falls from height 
Periodic verification of PPE working at height

Control of anchors and lifelines
Control EN 795 anchors (fixed and temporary)
EN 795 rail cable lifeline control
Pull-out resistance test of anchors
Control of railings and crinoline ladder

All ourtraining in working at height (wearing a harness, telecom pylon, roof, terrace, water tower, anchoring and movement on lifelines, etc.) IRATA rope access courses, GWO wind technician training , formation confined spacesare achievable on our approved technical training platforms dedicated to activities at height:Marseille_Peypin (13)_Region PACA/SUD  (15 min from Marseille) ,Nantes_Chateaubriant (44) _Loire Atlantique region (Between Rennes and Nantes)et Lille_Leforest (62)_Hauts de France region (20 min from Lille) or on customer sites in metropolitan France, DOM/TOM and abroad (contact us) 

2023 COPYRIGHTHTC Vertical Techniques - All rights reserved 

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The quality certification was issued under the following category:TRAINING ACTIONS

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