Art. R. 233-13-20. - Temporary work at height must be carried out from a work plan designed, installed or equipped in such a way as to guarantee the safety of workers and preserve their health. The workstation must allow work to be carried out under ergonomic conditions.
- The prevention of falls from height is ensured by guardrails, integrated or fixed in a safe manner, rigid and of appropriate strength, placed at a height of between one meter and1.10mand comprising at least one stop plinth of 10 to 15 cm, depending on the height selected for the guardrails, a handrail and an intermediate rail at mid-height or by any other means ensuring equivalent safety.
- When the provisions of the preceding paragraph cannot be implemented, flexible collection devices must be installed and positioned in such a way as to prevent a fall of more than three meters.
- When collective protection devices cannot be implemented, the protection of workers must be ensured by means of an appropriate fall arrest system not allowing a free fall of more than one meter or limiting in the same conditions the effects of a fall from a greater height. When such personal protective equipment is used, a worker must never be left alone in order to be able to be rescued in a time compatible with the preservation of his health. In addition, the employer must specify in a notice the anchoring points, the mooring devices provided for the implementation of the personal protective equipment as well as the methods of its use.
Art. R. 233-13-24. - Workstations for carrying out work at height must be accessible in complete safety. The most appropriate means of access to these stations must be chosen taking into account the frequency of traffic, the height to be reached and the duration of use. This means must guarantee access in conditions adapted from an ergonomic point of view and allow rapid assistance to any person in difficulty and ensure evacuation in the event of imminent danger. safe. The passage, in one direction or the other, between a means of access and platforms, floors or walkways must not create a risk of falling.
Art. R. 233-13-21. - When temporary work at height cannot be carried out from the work plan mentioned in Article R. 233-13-20, the appropriate work equipment must be chosen to ensure and maintain safe working conditions. Priority must be given to equipment ensuring the collective protection of workers. The dimensions of the work equipment must be adapted to the nature of the work to be carried out and the foreseeable constraints and allow circulation without danger.
- The appropriate measures to minimize the risks inherent in the use of the type of equipment selected must be implemented. If necessary, protective devices to avoid or stop the fall and prevent the occurrence of bodily injury to workers must be installed and implemented under the conditions provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of article R. 233-13 -20.
Art. R. 233-13-25. - The collective protection devices must be designed and installed in such a way as to avoid their interruption at the access points to the workstations, in particular due to the use of a ladder or stairs. However, when this interruption is necessary, measures must be taken to ensure equivalent safety. "All measures must be taken to prevent the performance of a particular job from leading to the temporary removal of collective protection devices to prevent falls . However, if such removal proves necessary, effective compensatory security measures must be taken. The work cannot be undertaken and carried out without the prior adoption of such measures. After the interruption or the end of this particular work, collective protection devices must be put in place to prevent falls, ensuring an equivalent level of safety.
Art. R. 233-13-22. - Ladders, stepladders and steps should not be used as workstations. However, this equipment may be used if it is technically impossible to use equipment ensuring the collective protection of workers or when the risk assessment has established that this risk is low and that the work is of short duration. not having a repetitive nature.
Art. R. 233-13-23. - Access and positioning techniques using ropes must not be used to constitute a workstation. However, if it is technically impossible to use equipment providing collective protection for workers or when the risk assessment establishes that the installation or use of such equipment is likely to expose workers to a greater risk than that resulting from the use of access or positioning techniques using ropes, these can be used for temporary work at height. After assessing the risk, taking into account the duration of certain work and the need to perform it under conditions adapted from an ergonomic point of view, a seat equipped with the appropriate accessories must be provided.
Art. R. 233-13-27. - The employer must ensure that the ladders, stepladders and steps are made of appropriate materials taking into account the constraints of the environment of use. These materials and their assembly must be of a solidity and a resistance adapted to the use of the equipment and allow its use under conditions adapted from the ergonomic point of view.
Art. R. 233-13-28. - Ladders, stepladders and steps must be placed in such a way that their stability is ensured during access and use and that their rungs or steps are horizontal.
- The employer must ensure that fixed ladders are designed, equipped or installed in such a way as to prevent falls from heights. After evaluating the risk with regard to the height of ascent for which these ladders are designed, suitably arranged rest landings must be provided in order to ensure progression under suitable conditions from an ergonomic point of view.
- Portable ladders must be leaning on and resting on stable, resistant supports of adequate size, in particular in order to remain immobile. So that they cannot slip or tip over during use, portable ladders must either be fixed in the upper or lower part of their uprights, or be held in place by means of any non-slip device or by any other effective solution. equivalent.
- Suspended ladders must be attached in a safe way and, with the exception of rope ones, in such a way that they cannot move and avoid swinging movements.
- Ladders made up of several assembled elements and extension ladders must be used in such a way that the immobilization of the various elements relative to each other is ensured. The overlapping length of the planes of an extension ladder must always be sufficient to ensure the rigidity of the whole.
Art. R. 233-13-29. - Access ladders must be of such a length that they protrude at least one meter above the level of access, unless other measures have been taken to ensure a secure hold.
Art. R. 233-13-30. - Ladders must be used in such a way that workers have a safe grip and support at all times. In particular, the carrying of loads must remain exceptional and limited to light and compact loads. It should not interfere with maintaining a secure grip.
" Art. R. 233-13-31. - Scaffolding may only be erected, dismantled or significantly modified under the direction of a competent person and by workers who have received adequate training specific to the operations envisaged, the content of which is specified in Articles R. 231-36 and R. 231-37 and includes in particular:
a) Understanding of the scaffolding assembly, dismantling or transformation plan;
b) Safety during assembly, dismantling or transformation of the scaffolding;
c) Measures to prevent the risk of people or objects falling;
d) Safety measures in the event of a change in weather conditions which could be detrimental to people by affecting the safety of the scaffolding;
e) The conditions in terms of allowable structural forces;
f) Any other risk that the aforementioned assembly, dismantling and transformation operations may entail.
This training is renewed under the conditions set out in article R. 233-3.
Art. R. 233-13-32. - The person who directs the assembly, dismantling or modification of scaffolding and the workers involved must have the manufacturer's instructions or the assembly and dismantling plan, in particular all the instructions they may contain.
- When the assembly of the scaffolding corresponds to that provided for in the manufacturer's manual, it must be carried out in accordance with the calculation note to which this manual refers.
- When this calculation note is not available or when the structural configurations envisaged are not provided for by it, a resistance and stability calculation must be carried out by a competent person.
- When the planned configuration of the scaffolding does not correspond to an assembly provided for in the instructions, an assembly, use and dismantling plan must be drawn up by a competent person.
- These documents must be kept at the workplace.
- Appropriate protection against the risk of falling from a height and the risk of falling objects must be ensured before access to any level of scaffolding during its erection, dismantling or transformation.
Art. R. 233-13-33. - The constituent materials of the elements of a scaffolding must be of a solidity and a resistance appropriate to their use.
The assemblies must be made in a safe manner, using compatible elements of the same origin and under the conditions for which they have been tested.
These elements must be checked for their good condition before any scaffolding assembly operation.
Art. R. 233-13-34. - The stability of the scaffolding must be ensured. All scaffolding must be constructed and installed in such a way as to prevent, during use, the displacement of any of its constituent parts in relation to the whole.
- Fixed scaffolding must be built and installed in such a way as to withstand the forces to which they are subjected and to resist the stresses resulting from atmospheric conditions, and in particular the effects of the wind. They must be anchored or moored to any point offering sufficient strength or be protected against the risk of slipping and overturning by any other means of equivalent effectiveness.
- The bearing surface must have sufficient strength to oppose any support subsidence.
- Unintentional shifting or tipping of rolling scaffolds during assembly, dismantling and use must be prevented by suitable devices. No worker must remain on a mobile scaffolding while it is being moved.
- The admissible load of a scaffolding must be visibly indicated on the scaffolding as well as on each of its floors.
Art. R. 233-13-35. - The scaffolding must be equipped on the exterior sides with collective protection devices as provided for in paragraph 2 of article R. 233-13-20.
- The dimensions, shape and layout of scaffolding floors must be appropriate to the nature of the work to be performed and adapted to the loads to be supported and allow safe working and circulation. Scaffolding floors must be mounted in such a way that their components cannot move during use. No gap of more than twenty centimeters must exist between the edge of the floors and the structure or equipment against which the scaffolding is established.
- When the configuration of the structure or equipment does not allow this distance limit to be respected, the risk of falling must be prevented by the use of collective or individual protection devices under the conditions and according to the procedures defined in article R. 233-13-20. The provisions of this article must also be implemented when the scaffolding is set up against a structure or equipment that does not exceed the level of the floor of this scaffolding by a sufficient height.
“A sufficient number of safe means of access must be provided between the different floors of the scaffolding.
Art. R. 233-13-36. - When certain parts of a scaffolding are not ready for use, in particular during assembly, dismantling or transformations, these parts constitute limited access areas which must be equipped with devices preventing unauthorized persons from being able to access them. enter.
- Appropriate measures must be taken to protect workers authorized to enter these areas.
Art. R. 233-13-37. - The use of access and positioning techniques using ropes must respect the following conditions:
“a) The system must include at least one work rope, constituting a means of access, descent and support, and a safety rope, equipped with a fall arrest system. These two devices are anchored separately and the two anchor points must be the subject of a calculation note drawn up by the head of the establishment or a competent person;
b) Workers must be equipped with an appropriate fall arrest harness, use it and be connected by this harness to the safety rope and the work rope;
c) The work rope must be equipped with a safe descent and ascent mechanism and include a self-locking system that prevents the user from falling should the user lose control of their movements. The safety rope must be equipped with a mobile fall arrest device that accompanies the movements of the worker;
d) Tools and other accessories to be used by a worker must be attached by an appropriate means, so as to prevent them from falling;
e) The work must be scheduled and supervised so that help can be immediately brought to the worker in the event of an emergency;
In specific circumstances where, taking into account the risk assessment, the use of a second rope would make the work more dangerous, the use of a single rope may be authorized, provided that the worker concerned is never left alone. These specific circumstances as well as the appropriate measures to ensure safety are determined by order of the minister responsible for labor or the minister responsible for agriculture. »
PRUNING (Order of August 04, 2005)
Art.1 The progression of workers in trees, equipped with their personal protective equipment, in particular during pruning, topping, dismantling of trees by sections or harvesting tree seeds , constitutes an exceptional circumstance for which the use of two ropes makes the work more dangerous than with only one.
Art.2 In cases where only one rope is used during progression, the procedure used must be such that in the event of an anchor point breaking, the fall of the operator, wearing his personal protective equipment, does not exceed 1 meter.
Once the operator is stabilised, an additional means of safety having an independent anchor point must be used, so that if one of the devices breaks, the operator, provided with his personal protective equipment, is retained.
Art.3 The training provided for at 6° de article R. 4323-89 must relate to all of the following phases:
-recognition of the tree and the anchor points to ensure the worker's progress, taking into account the task to be performed;
-choice of operating mode, equipment and anchor points adapted to the architecture of the tree;
- organization of progression;
- organization of relief.
Art. R. 233-13-37 f) Workers must receive adequate and specific training in the operations envisaged and the rescue procedures, the content of which is specified in Articles R. 231-36 and R. 231 -37 and which is renewed under the conditions provided for in Article R. 233-3.
Art. R. 233-13-26. - Temporary work at height must not be carried out when weather conditions or conditions related to the environment of the workstation are likely to compromise the safety and health of workers.