HTC Vertical Techniquesaims to evaluate and continuously improve its performance and its modules oftraining work in height,rope access training, IRATA training in Quality, Health, Safety and Environment.
The teamHTC Vertical Techniques has developed its own quality indicators and procedures for all work height, rope access and risk prevention training courses.
Our training management system, you garantit accompaniment and an optimal service for which we are committed to:30-cc78581-de -136bad5cf58d_
Eassess the potential risks on the customer site,
Uuse standardized equipment checked every semester,
Mbe available to qualified and qualified trainers,
Ecarry out preliminary visits to the customer site,
Rcarry out prevention plans for each on-site training,
HASanalyze incidents and dangerous situations,
Mimplement corrective and preventive actions,
HASadapt our training programs to your sector of activity,
IEstablish a quality management system on nos formations,
Tupdate our knowledge in terms of regulations,
Ddevelop an environmental and waste management culture